Pesquisa sobre a polivalência da mão de obra em construtoras brasileiras.

Sobre este questionário

[Carpinteiro, um dos operários da construção, dentre vários ofícios – Imagem: 272447/Pixabay]

Meu nome é Gabriel Camargo e faço parte do Grupo Gestão da Construção (GESTCON), situado no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). Este rápido questionário tem como objetivo coletar informações sobre o uso da polivalência da mão de obra em construtoras de residenciais multifamiliares brasileiras. 

Operário polivalente é aquele capaz de realizar tarefas de diferentes ofícios dentro de um mesmo empreendimento. Como exemplos podemos citar o operário capaz de trabalhar com alvenarias e de fazer as instalações hidráulicas, bem como aquele capaz de montar as formas (carpintaria) e também fazer as instalações elétricas. Em contrapartida, o operário especialista apenas trabalha realizando tarefas envolvendo o mesmo ofício (assentamento de blocos e revestimento argamassado, por exemplo).

Mão de obra terceirizada é aquela de serviços inteiramente feitos por outra empresa - como instalador de ar condicionado, gesseiro e montador de elevadores, por exemplo. Mão de obra subcontratada é aquela fornecida por outra empresa, cujo material é fornecido pela empresa responsável pela construção, que gerencia o empreendimento - como serventes, pedreiros, carpinteiros, azulejistas e outros. Nas perguntas abaixo, quer-se saber sobre a mão de obra subcontratada.

As informações coletadas por meio desse questionário serão utilizadas apenas para fins acadêmicos. Nenhuma informação será vinculada às empresas participantes.

Caso desejar, retornarei a você os resultados. Para isso, informe seu e-mail no local apropriado.

Desde já muito obrigado!
Grupo Gestão da Construção
[Membros: Gabriel Camargo / João Paulo Abreu]

Encerramos esse questionário em 30 de setembro de 2020. Muito obrigado a todos os respondentes e, em breve, publicaremos os resultados da pesquisa.


My name is Gabriel Camargo and I’m a member from “Grupo Gestão da Construção (GESTCON)”, in Civil Engineering Department of Federal University of Santa Catarina. This quick response survey has the aim of to collect data about multi-skilled workforce in Brazilian construction companies, residential condominiums construction sector. A multi-skilled employee could work in tasks related of different professions in the same project. As an example, can be cited the employee that works in brickwork and water pipes, or the employee that could work in formwork and electrical installations. In counterpoint, the specialist employee only works in specific tasks from one profession (e.g. bricklayer, carpenter, electrician).  The outsourced workforce does services that full done for its companies, such as air conditioner installer, plaster and elevator fitters. Subcontracted workforce is the kind of workforce who works as employee of subcontracted company, but uses materials bought by the main construction company.

Data collected through this survey will be only for academic research. The information collected won’t be linked to one construction company or person in published results. If you wish, the future results will be send to you as published results (link). For this aim, please type your email in the appropriate gap. 


Thank you very much! 


Grupo Gestão da Construção [Members: Gabriel Camargo / João Paulo Abreu]


1) What is your company’s role? (working in building works or workforce management): Please mark all options applied:


(_) Architect

(_) Builder

(_) Civil Engineer

(_) Civil Production Engineer 

(_) Direction member

(_) Owner

(_) Workforce resources department

(_) Other


2) What is the company size? Please mark one answer:


(_) Microcompany (until 9 employees)

(_) Small size company (10 to 49 employees)

(_) Medium company (50 to 99 employees)

(_) Large-sized company (more than 99 employees)


3) What is the kind of workforce? Please mark one answer:


(_) Only workforce from our company.

(_) Only subcontracted.

(_) Workforce from our company and a subcontracted part.


4) How are your construction company classified about employees’ competences? Please mark one answer:


(_) Only workforce specialist

(_) Multi-skilled workforce

(_) Company with specialists and multi-skilled workforce.


5) What are the functions done by the same employee? Please mark all options applied:


(_) Bricklayer and reinforcing ironworker

(_) Bricklayer and carpenter

(_) Reinforcing ironworker and carpenter

(_) Electrician and plumber

(_) Bricklayer and electrician

(_) Bricklayer and plumber

(_) We don’t work with multi-skilled workforce

(_) Other.


6) What are the reasons for multiskilling adoption? Please mark all options applied:


(_) Reducing costs with hiring and demissions.

(_) Reducing worker inactivity.

(_) More flexibility in planning employee tasks.

(_) More professional growing for multi-skilled workers.

(_) We don’t work with multi-skilled workforce

(_) Other.


7) How the workforce learned your profession? Please mark all options applied:


(_) Training from construction company.

(_) Training from other companies or schools (SENAI or other professionalizing courses).

(_) Know-how from building works experience.

(_) Other.


8) How many workers are in construction sites? (average value).


9) If your company have multi-skilled workforce, and considering the number answered in the last question, how many employees are multi-skilled?


10) Have you ever known about multi-skilled workforce? Please mark one answer:


(_) Yes

(_) No.


11) Do your company have plans about multi-skilled workforce implementation? Please mark one answer:


(_) Yes

(_) No

(_) I don’t know about.

(_) We already implemented.


12) Where is(are) the place(s) of company construction works? Please include cities and states or states


13) Do you have more information to share about multi-skilled workforce in civil construction industry?


14) Company’s name (prioritize “nome-fantasia”). This information will be maintained anonymized and only used for duplicated answers control.


15) If you wish, it’s possible to get the data aggregate from survey (without personal answers), writing your email below:


[End of survey]

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