Resultados obtidos com a aplicação da polivalência da mão de obra na Construção Civil: Referências da Revisão Sistemática

[Produção técnica/científica – Imagem: kaboompics/Pixabay]

ARASHPOUR, Mehrdad; WAKEFIELD, Ron; BLISMAS, Nick; MINAS, James. Optimization of process integration and multi-skilled resource utilization in off-site construction. Automation In Construction. v.50, p. 72-80, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 fev. 2019.

ATALEB, S. Ibrahim; MOUSSA, B. Mohamed; HUSSAIN, M. Sara. Optimization of Allocating Multi-Skilled Labor Resources Using Genetic Algorithms. In: CSCE 2014 General Conference, 2014, Halifax. Proceedings [...] Halifax, NS: CSCE, 2014.

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BURLESON, Rebecca C.; HASS, Carl T.; TUCKER, Richard L.; STANLEY, Algernon. Multiskilled Labor Utilization Strategies in Construction. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management. v.124, n.6, p. 480-489, 1998. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 fev. 2019.

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EJOHWOMU, O. A.; PROVERBS, D. G.; OLOMOLAIYE, P.. The impact of multiskilling on UK's construction manpower. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers - Management, Procurement And Law. v.161, n.1, p. 25-30, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 fev. 2019.

FINI, Alireza A. F.; RASHIDI, Taha H.; AKBARNEZHAD, Ali; WALLER, S. Travis. Incorporating Multiskilling and Learning in the Optimization of Crew Composition. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management. v.142, n.5, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 fev. 2019.

FINI, Alireza A. F.; AKBARNEZHAD, Ali; RASHIDI, Taha H.; WALLER, S. Travis. Job Assignment Based on Brain Demands and Human Resource Strategies. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management. v.143, n.5, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 fev. 2019.

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GOUDA, Ahmed; HOSNY, Ossama; NASSAR, Khaled. Optimal crew routing for linear repetitive projects using graph theory. Automation In Construction. v.81, p. 411-421, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2019.

GUO, Sy-jye. Analysis of cycle excavation and productivity of large-scale rock tunnel projects - lesson learned in Taiwan. Canadian Journal Of Civil Engineering. v.28, n.1, p. 26-34, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 fev. 2019.

HASS, Carl T.; RODRIGHEZ, Ana M.; GLOVER, Robert; GOODRUM, Paul M.. Implementing a multiskilled workforce. Construction Management And Economics. v.19, n.6, p. 633-641, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2019.

HEGAZY, Tarek; SHABEEB, Abdul K.; ELBELTAGI, Emad; CHEEMA, Tariq. Algorithm for Scheduling with Multiskilled Constrained Resources. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management. v.126, n.6, p. 414-421, 2000. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 fev. 2019.

KRZEMIńSKI, Michał. The scheduling of construction work under the assumption of brigade multitasking. Procedia Engineering. v.208, p. 63-68, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 fev. 2019.

LILL, Irene. Sustainable Management of Construction Labour. In: International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction. 25., Vilnius. 2008. Proceedings [...] Vilnius: Isarc, 2008. p. 864-875. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 fev. 2019.

LIU, Shu-shun; WANG, Chang-jung. Optimizing linear project scheduling with multi-skilled crews. Automation In Construction. v.24, p. 16-23, 2012. Disponível em: em: 12 fev. 2019.

MATURANA, Sergio; ALARCON, F. Luis; DEPREZ, Marcel. Modeling the Impact of Multiskilling and Concrete Batch Size in Multi-Story Buildings. In: Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 11, Virginia, 2003. Proceedings [...] Virginia, USA: IGLC, 2003. Disponível em: Aceso em: 20 fev. 2019.

MCGUINNESS, Seamus; BENNETT, Jessica. Examining the link between skill shortages, training composition and productivity levels in the construction industry: evidence from Northern Ireland. The International Journal Of Human Resource Management. v.17, n.2, p. 265-279, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 fev. 2109.

MOSER, Luciano; SANTOS, Aguinaldo dos.  Análise dos Impactos da Adoção de Célula de Manufatura como Estratégia de Implementação da Lean Production. In: Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 23., 2003, Ouro Preto. Anais [...]. Disponível em: Ouro Preto: ENEGEP, 2003. Acesso em: 12 fev. 2019.

NASIRIAN, Araz; ARASHPOUR, Mehrda; ABBASI, Babak; AKBARNEZHAD, Ali. Optimal Work Assignment to Multiskilled Resources in Prefabricated Construction. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management. v.145, n.4, p. 11-17, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2019.

NWAOGAZIE, Ify L.; AUGUSTINE, Onome O.; HENSHAW, Terry. Multi-skilling in Construction Industry and Dual-Skill Labour Strategy: A Case of Construction Companies in Port Harcourt. International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology. v.7, n.4, p. 208-222, 2016. Disponível em: em: 15 fev. 2019.

PANDEY, Pawan; MAHESWARI, J. Uma. Improvised Scheduling Framework Integrating WS, MS, & DS for Repetitive Construction Projects. In: International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining, 32., 2015, Oulu. Proceedings [...]. IAARC, 2015. p. 1-8. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 fev. 2019.

SACKS, R.; ESQUENAZI, A.; GOLDIN, M.. LEAPCON: Simulation of Lean Construction of High-Rise Apartment Buildings. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management.  v.133, n.7, p. 529-539, 2007. Disponível em: em: 12 fev. 2019.

TAM, C. M.; TONG, Thomas K. L.; CHEUNG, S. O.; CHAN, Albert P. C.. Genetic algorithm model in optimizing the use of labour. Construction Management And Economics. v.19, n.2, p. 207-215, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 fev. 2019.

WONGWAI, Narongrit; MALAIKRISANACHALEE, Suphawut. Augmented heuristic algorithm for multi-skilled resource scheduling. Automation In Construction. v.20, n.4, p. 429-445, 2011. Dispnível em: em: 15 fev. 2019.

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